Lilitab Unlock Userguide
Lilitab Unlock
The Lilitab Unlock app works with Lilitab SmartDOCK intelligent mounts. The app provides a simple push-button interface to unlock a SmartDOCK. Once unlocked, the head unit can be undocked from the SmartDOCK and used in handheld fashion. When the head unit is replaced, the SmartDOCK locks automatically and begins charging the tablet.
Lilitab Unlock offers a secure browser to deliver customer content. The secure browser limits browsing to an approved domain list and includes an inactivity timeout so that it will reset to a specified home page when left unattended.
Lilitab Unlock also supports diagnostic and maintenance features for the SmartDOCK, including app info, app settings, dock status, and dock firmware updating. |
The Lilitab Unlock User Guide contains everything you need to get rolling with Lilitab Unlock app and SmartDOCK. |
The SmartDOCK SDK allows you to embed SmartDOCK access and functionality into your own iOS native app. |
The Lilitab Unlock app can be downloaded for free from the App Store and will get you rolling with SmartDOCK in a few simple clicks. |
If you have any questions not answered here or in the User Guide, please feel free to write or call. We’re here to help! |